Meet Keoni Eichholtz, Our Eccentric Media Mind

an image of Keoni Eichholtz smiling at the camera

One of my fondest memories from my childhood was watching the movie Jaws for the first time with my dad. It was definitely scary at times, and I remember hiding under the blanket at certain scenes. Even though some of the things I was seeing were terrifying, the experience was also incredibly exciting and sparked an interest in me that still remains to this day. It created a passion for storytelling and for sharks, which is somewhat ironic in a way since the whole movie is about killing a man-eating shark. 

From that, I wanted to become a marine biologist who studied sharks for a living. I even initially went to school for it, but I really struggled and had a difficult time. In fact, that was probably the biggest challenge I’ve faced so far since I completely failed in many regards that first time I went to school. I realized, probably too late, it was not something I wanted to continue with, and at the time, I felt there were so many expectations that it was hard to get away from even though I knew it was detrimental to continue going after a dead-end in a way.

Luckily, I was able to change paths to the other joy Jaws instilled in me. I knew it was going to be incredibly difficult to transition into a different pathway so late, but I was determined to not only get a degree, but get it in something I was truly passionate about. I worked harder than I ever had for another 4 years and was able to graduate Summa Cum Laude which was a great feeling. It definitely made my parents feel more at ease about the whole situation. Knowing that I failed was important because it made me determined to work as hard as I possibly could to put that all behind me, and I did.   

The degree I switched to and graduated with was in Television, Film and media. While it did not cover marketing very much except for some parts of certain classes towards the end of college, I was able to learn and develop a solid foundation for storytelling which is one of the key pillars here at Solomon Advising. 

My knowledge of how to tell a story and what might fit best for each particular client and their needs has really come in handy because we are partners with the client, and it’s our duty to tell their story successfully. 

My time in school provided me with a unique perspective to what we are doing since I don’t technically come from a traditional marketing background, but that’s great since we are not a traditional marketing firm. 

As the Junior Marketing Associate, I try to find how things can be as entertaining as possible while still being informative, effective tools for marketing which can be a tough balance sometimes. That is where the challenge comes, but that makes it all the more rewarding when those aspects can merge into something that ends up being successful.

My ultimate goal is to get to a level where I feel 100% confident in my ability to do my job successfully so I can then help people get to that same level. In my opinion, there’s no point in pursuing something to that degree if you can’t share it with those that come after you in a meaningful way.

When not working, I really take pleasure in going to the movies because it is such a different experience in the theater compared to watching a movie or show at home. I am actually a person who completely shuts down their phone when in a theater, so my sole focus is on the movie and the overall experience of sitting in the dark theater with friends. It is quite cathartic for me.

Regardless of what I’m doing away from work, it will probably be with my friends because even if we are doing “nothing,” it’s better with people you care about.

All in all, even though I changed course from what I wanted to be as a kid, I am still pursuing my passion, and as a bonus, it’s still related to Jaws in terms of me being able to tell meaningful stories. As a result, I think a 7-year-old me would be quite content with my decision.

Solomon Advising is a marketing & branding agency focused on helping professional services firms retain their relevance and ensure sustainability by consistently promoting a credible brand. Contact us today to see how we can help improve your brand’s health.


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